Permanent Exhibition

Nuria Schoenberg Nono, Curator

Our multimedia exhibition has a twofold purpose: to inform the general public about the life and works of Arnold Schönberg and to show the fruits of ten years of work in Vienna. Researchers, composers, musicians, and others who wish to delve more deeply into the life and works of Arnold Schönberg are encouraged to avail themselves of the archive’s services. The collection contains approximately 20,000 pages of manuscripts, both musical and textual, 3,500 historical photos, as well as numerous personal documents, diaries, concert programmes, objects and his entire personal library (music, books and recordings).

The exhibition is divided into five different areas, each of which makes use of both new and traditional methods of exposition. The exhibition begins with a video of Schönberg’s daughter Nuria describing the contents of a replica of her father’s last study in Los Angeles.

The next room, the concert area, includes state-of-the-art technology for audio-visual reproduction. The archive’s materials and recorded concerts are here presented in full high definition 1080p video and digital audio resolution played on a Blue Sky 5.1 array of surround-sound speakers.

In the adjacent room, visitors have the opportunity to browse through facsimile copies of concert programs taken from the archival holdings.

Further on, there is a room dedicated to biographical information, which includes a hands-on chronology of the composer’s daily life. Schönberg’s compositions, teaching materials, and personal ephemera are exhibited here; visitors can become acquainted with his novel ideas for music courses, by perusing folders with facsimiles of his writings. In addition, some of his hobbies and inventions will delight visitors, who are encouraged to browse through facsimiles of various interesting documents and inventions from the Archive’s vault.

A living room environment offers an area in which one can listen to Schönberg’s original voice recordings from as far back as 1930. These include older recordings in German as well as English recordings from his years in America.

A gallery area presents a selection of original paintings by Arnold Schönberg. Additionally, an electronic display will depict a much larger portion of his artwork.

Each room also includes some original documents from the Archive. Because these manuscripts and objects need special care and conservation, the curator has kept these to a minimum in the hopes of emphasising a physical and personal experience on the part of the visitor. We hope that the exhibition will provide visitors with a more intense experience of Schönberg through listening, looking, and touching the objects that are exhibited. 

agm digital arts GmbH –
Anthony G. Morris – CEO of agm digital arts and team: Dr. Geoffrey Barton, Component Audio expertise, design and digital engineering, and Luca Boffo, Multimedia Programming Assistant

Karl-Michael Slavik/Artecast, Vienna
Video Consulting

StylusDesign, Asolo/Italy
Replay Environment engineering design